Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Well, it's finally done. This project started in the spring break of 2004. It felt good to finish some gunpla after two babies and a PhD. I hope to finish more off my table.

The paint scheme is red on gray high lights. The red are done by preshading a red with orange tint by RLM 23 red. The two are too similar to see much of a shading. I will try this color again in the future. The gray color is basic gull gray.

I had much trouble washing and applying decals. The acrylics coat gets attacked by both the Mr. Softener and the Testor enamel airbrush thinner. I found the regular Testor thinner is weaker, which will leave the acrylic coat intact. A final flat clear coat is applied to protect the paints.






The camera I use to take the picture has a short working distance, which distorts the proportion. The pins that connects the sturm units to the backpack broke so I decide to leave it for now. Will fix it and take more pictures later.